Distance Education 投诉 & 担忧

Before filing a complaint with the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR), please file through Augustana University's internal complaint process. Students who are unable to find satisfaction with Augustana's internal complaint process may file a complaint below.

Administration Building

Complaint Procedures for Students Living Outside South Dakota in SARA成员国

The complaint procedures for SD-SARA can be found in 部分C.3 of SDBOR SARA Policy 1:29. The State Portal Entity Contact will verify that all complaints have been received and processed by the institution and will not consider complaints that have not gone through the institutional complaint process. Complainants who processed their complaints through institutional complaint procedures but remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the institutional process may request that the State Portal Entity Contact review the institutional resolution of the complaint.

投诉 to the State Portal Entity Contact must specify:

  • The basis for believing that the institutional action is inconsistent with the accreditation or SARA requirements,
  • The harm caused to the complainant by virtue of the inconsistency, and
  • The corrective action that the complainant seeks.
  • If the complainant alleges that institutional documents were misleading, the request should contain the portions of the catalog, letters or email exchanged between the complainant and the institution, and should identify with specificity statements that the complainant found to be misleading and what the complainant understood the statements to mean.

SARA Complaint Resolution Form

SARA Complaint Procedures Flow Chart

Contact Information for Students Residing in States Other Than South Dakota who Have 投诉 Relating Specifically to Distance Learning or Correspondence Education

Pursuant to the United States Department of Education's Program Integrity Rule, Augustana University is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information of the state 年龄ncy or 年龄ncies that handle complaints against post-secondary education institutions offering distance learning or correspondence education within that state. Students residing in other states while enrolled in a course offered by the Augustana University are encour年龄d to utilize Augustana's complaint or review policies and procedures prior to filing a complaint with a state 年龄ncy or 年龄ncies. 然而, if the complaint is not resolved through these processes, a student may use the following list to identify the office(s) in the state in which the student resides to which the complaint against any public/private institution in South Dakota may be filed.

California: 投诉 involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with:

California Department of Consumer Affairs
Consumer Information Center
1625 North Market Blvd.N-112室
Sacramento, CA 95834

Students can file complaints 在线 or call toll-free 833.942.1120.

对于所有其他州, use the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) provisions stated above for ensuring a timely response to your complaint. If a student is not able to contact the appropriate 年龄ncy in their state of residence, 请联系:

The Offices of the South Dakota Board of Regents
306 East Capitol Ave, Suite 200
皮埃尔,SD 57501

电话| 605.773.3455
电子邮件| info@sdbor.edu